Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Trip to the Stars

80 pages left in what has turned out to be a thrilling and riveting story. Two parallel threads. Woven with unexpected connections and turns at several places. A treat.

Let me know, when you get the book and where about you are as you read it. I would love to ask some questions when you tomers get to certain points in the novel.


Adam Hegg said...

Alright Franco...I am 70 pages in and going to read some more tonight. What benchmarks do you want me to hit before you ask the questions.
So far I am very pleased with the book it has a few hallmarks of my favorite stuff...start in the middle of the action, have multiple points of view and drip information through action rather than in exposition. I am well pleased. Oh, also the characters are well developed and I want to know more. Win.

Adam Hegg said...

I am really having fun with A Trip To the Stars...sadly I need to return it to the library very soon and it will be unfinished unless I get a good whack of time to sit down and plow through it. This is book is much more my speed than the last couple. Great big fat ideas with fully developed characters that make me want to carry on. Similarly I love any book that has a dual narrative. I love switching between the parallel stories.
Not that being able to relate one book to another book makes for good analysis but I cannot help but feel like this would be a good Neal Stephenson book. Of course his book would deal a lot more with the arcane but there is something to exploring big intellectual ideas through personal storytelling. I am quite taken. I am about 200 pages in and will get as far as I can before it goes back. The only discussion questions I really have so far are more craft than story based.
1)what do we (the reader) gain through the parallel story structure?
2)Does the active nature of the storytelling (little to no exposition, we are discovering what the characters are discovering as they are discovering it) effect your enjoyment of the book?
3)do any characters pop for you? Are you particularly drawn to, or repulsed by anyone?
These are totally pedestrian questions but I am enjoying figuring them out.