Friday, March 4, 2011

Okay - if you are gettin sick of these kinds of books we can move on to something else...

I came across this - and really have no idea if it is going to be any good or not, but here it is...
A Discovery of Witches
and a review-


Adam Hegg said...

I just today got A Trip to the Stars from the Library. This Harkness book looks interesting. I may give it a read but I am a titch behind and I have no idea how the impending babydom is going to effect me.
After this Harkness lets take a respite from magical realism and try something new. I will try to come up with a few ideas soon. Now to start the Stars book. And you said you read slow Francophile...I am sprinting to keep up.

Fellow Francophile said...

Let's shelf this book idea - hang onto it for another day and just remember it for later.

I am eager to branch out as well - read some other genres.

I guess I have been reading books lately like a person gulping air after being held underwater for too long. Maybe life is getting to me and I need the respite.

Adam Hegg said...

Sorry life is getting to you but glad you are finding respite.

what other genre are you interested in? in fiction (other than fantasy and sci fi) I love crime, coming of age and stories about creative people. In non-fiction I love memoir, biographies of creative people and exploration of historical and cultural events.
On my fiction to be read pile for a long time has been LA Confidential by James Ellroy, Lord of the Flies (a reread), Carter beats the devil by Glen david Gold, The Thin Man by Hammett, and Ham on Rye by Bukowski among many, many others. On my non-fiction pile is the new book by Patton Oswalt, Zombie, Spaceship wasteland, the civil war trilogy by Shelby Foote (though this is thousands of pages...literally) Devil in the White City by Erik Larson among others. Any interest in those?

Fellow Francophile said...

All good suggestions, some I've read. Anything sound interesting to you Chelsea?

chw said...

You know, what you might need B is the type of book - biography of a creative person or creative type person in fiction. It might give you that satisfaction you are looking for - and motivation. Which ones fit that bill Adam? And not too long for your sake. When will you be taking your paternity leave from reading books? If you have an easy baby, possibly not at all but sleep deprivation doesn't lend itself to reading in my experience.

Fellow Francophile said...

Well I am excited for someone to pick out the next book. Any takers?

Adam Hegg said...

Have either of you read The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon?
I would love to reread it with a purpose. If not there is a Murakami memoir about writing and running...I would be into that as well.

(By the way as I write this my brand new daughter Imogen Beatrice is sleeping on my!)

Fellow Francophile said...

Kavalier and Clay it is! I have it on my shelf but have not gotten around to reading it yet. I think the fact that the word 'apropos' is in the first paragraph of the novel - struck me as intimidating! And I tried to start it when I was still in graduate school, and during those two years of my life, many novels languished and petered to smoking wisps of book-attempts. I am excited to see it to the end this time. How does this sound to you Chelsea? Where are you with current/past books?

chw said...

CONGRATS Adam! Well, after wading through Windup... I didn't attempt Alchemist honestly. I'll find the suggested book tomorrow. Looking forward to it!