Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

And thus it begins! The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao will be our first book that we will read together.
I have never been a part of a book club before, so I am no expert when it comes to organizing one, but my thoughts are that I read slow and others read fast. I am eager for people to pose comments about the book but not if I have not arrived at that part yet. So, I say that some schedule needs to be made and then, it is up to you to keep up or fall behind. I am open to ideas, comments, suggestions.

1 comment:

Adam Hegg said...

The task is met! I am about 100 pages in and am loving it (don't worry this is totally spoiler-free). I am pretty much always a sucker for stories told from various points of view... and with just a sprinkling of genre fiction pop-culture references I am in nerd heaven. That is not to say that Oscar Wao groans under the weight of its references, they are sometimes subtle and sometimes overt but never pull me out of the narrative.
I don't know if it is an occupational hazard or a product of my desperation to uncover cultural antecedents but for some reason there are elements of Oscar that remind me of A Confederacy of Dunces. Is this just cause the dude's overweight? I don't know, but I have a hard time shaking it.
I look very forward to hearing the Francophile's thoughts.